Sights and sounds of the morning…

Listening to surrounding sounds has always been a fascination for me. This morning, the house is mostly quiet and still as hubby has gone to exercise class and I am working on daily activities. Writing, dusting, laundry, etc.

Sitting at the desk, my eyes keep veering over to the window and the sights outside. Temperatures in the 30’s with wind chills in the teens. Tall palm tree branches are jumping in the freezing cold wind while making a flapping sound. Water rippling across the pond from the steady breeze causes me to wonder if the alligators have returned. Not yet, too cold for them, too.

Even on this frigid day, I am blessed with the sights and sounds God has provided. This morning, I laughed while listening to a little dog bark so loudly that surely he thought he was a BIG dog. Children on the way to the bus stop chatted amongst their friends, with laughter flowing and an occasional shout hello to another friend.

And then, the birds… oh, how I love the sounds of the birds singing. Cardinals, bluebirds, sparrows, chickadees and more. Their chirping shows how even through the cold, they are joyous and lively. Or could it be the cold making them so talkative? πŸ™‚

Cars pass by the house, a helicopter flies over and the day has started. Neighbors are busy with their daily routines. Life is good here in South Carolina.

Pause and listen to God’s message. He speaks to us through many ways… including the sights and sounds of the morning. Enjoy!

Have a blessed day,


19 thoughts on “Sights and sounds of the morning…

  1. I almost heard the sounds with you as I read your wonderful post. I am so thankful I can hear and I can see these wonderful creations of God! I like to start the day thinking that His mercies are new every morning, and it’s a new day. Even though I don’t really know you, I feel like I’ve known you forever. I’m thankful for your sweet, thankful heart! God’s richest blessings to you today!!


    • Oh, yes, Jennifer. We had alligators in the neighborhood when we lived in North Carolina.(Wilmington area) and yes, they are here in coastal SC. There are signs all throughout the neighborhood because we have so many ponds. Beware of alligators is the first sign in front of every pond. Have a blessed day! πŸ™‚


  2. I can so relate to what you’re saying about nature. I love to take in the sights and sounds God created. He certainly is creative, isn’t He? It’s nice to have it warming up here (Greenville, SC) with the snow melting but still pretty on the sides of the road and in the shade.

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  3. Our youngest son moved back home last August to save money for his upcoming marriage. He’s not home much during waking hours between work, college, and spending time with his fiancee, but when he does come home in the daylight hours, the first sign of his appearance is usually his whistle. It starts even before I hear his car door slam. It’s one of my favorite sounds!

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  4. What a bright sunny heart you have Melissa, you are not wasting your second lap.
    Some people walk away almost unchanged when hard times impact their life but you are definitely appreciating the little things He has given us.
    At times I get busy and forget to smell the roses along the way, you remind me that this is still important too.
    Keep shining.

    Tony C

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